Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

Lampuuk..my lovely beach!!

I found my love, the atmosphere sent me back to 5-7 years ago..

when i was a student, i spent all my weekend in this beach
body boarding every week
but now, after tsunami the wave changed, not that big anymore
I still love this beach forever..

Lampuuk forever...

I welcome frens to visit my fav beach...!

Here the chalet, vacuum for several years after tsunami, but now in new breath they provide grilled fish again..

kiddies are cute rite..

aha..here the elephant, on the way back to Sigli from Banda, as I told at e last post, we will past jungle and see elephant, if u want u can ride it too...hahaha (i dont want) cos it need to open our legs wide-split in yoga hahaha, then u will know i can do my yoga perfectly...

Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Last nite..never sleep for 2days already.. first nite coz alot of damn noisy from out side dunno wad the hell happened! and last nite suddenly woke up at 3am, reach my hp n saw wad time, but there was alot of sms & misscall..
1 sms from syl-i like, 1 sms from bobo bully me abot euro match n loss, 1 from elly also euro match (haiz!! damn, tonite bet lost!) and...
1 sms from my dearest fren,
she said: wake up, i get big problem!
reply: wad happening? can i call u?

then after that, I didnt sleep anymore, thinking about my fren and her baby gal, I luv them..
but the man who's the hubby treat them so bad, i hate him!
i feel hurt at the same time, i dunno how to help..the baby gal still pure, doesnt know anything but the fucking daddy put her into suffer and should grow without real daddy..
my fren was so confused and scared n she seems like lost..
we talked a lot.. then in the end everything settled in the morning.

no happy ending story, only keep faith to create new happy life story in the beginning again next time..never give up, life still goes on..

Kamis, 19 Juni 2008

kerak-kerak neraka

waduh..!! gawat dh, gue kehilangan rasa humor dalam beberapa dekade ini..yaelah..
bakal tua neh gue, keriput, kempot,kusam waaakkkkkkkkkkkzzzzzzzzzzzz tidakkkkkkkkkk

pasti krn pengaruh nenek penyihir yang bergentayangan dikantor selama 8jam setiap hari..walahh!! mengakibatkan aura kantor yg suram, kelam, dan mengerikan. mengakibatkan "verakuw" sakit medadak setiap berhadapan dengan penyihir pembunuh berdarah dingin itu!!!
tenang vera...ntar kita basmi dia, gue kentutin kursi nya, gue curi coklatnya ato capucino nya wakakaka (gak ding!) pencurian itu hina!!! halah!!
vera kan ku doakan dikau sehat selalu...jangan tinggalkan diriku sendiri...ama si penyihir itu hiks..aku tak cinta pandanya, hanya padamu huahahahahahahaha

tp dipikir-pikir bukan nya gue yang suka melucu, tp gue emank acap kali (walah kata2nya!) berbuat hal tolol hahahaha, ato si "abet yg hobi menertawai ketololan gue duo ama "lifa, iya bagus..kalian tiap hari terhibur dgn cerita gue, senang kan kalian...!! hayah!!

mulai dari gue ngabarin mau ke "India, eeh..dengan gaya mendengarkan dgn sgt menyimak, lalu komen nya adalah, wuah...bisa tuh na, kan sungai legendaris lu itu sering turun air bah kan, nah saat itu lu siap-siap mulai kirim koper2 lu yg mau dibawa ke india, pasti bakal nyampe tuh koper lu ke india trus lu nya nyusul jg nyemplung, terhanyutlah kau ke india huahahahahaha

dan lagi..skarang gue yg dgn mudah nya membeo apapun yg org ngombalin ke gue, misalnya, barusan Jack, sms n bilang I miss u sayang..dan gue pun tak segan-segan menjawab dgn indahnya: oh i miss u too (sayangnya gue takut pake) krn si duo abet n lifa bakal ngakak ampe bercucuran airmata wakakakakaka kalian slalu panduan buat atraksi ku huahahaha

lalu...seringnya gue membeo "iya dear...udah makan dear..lg ngapain dear..u r all i want dear...
wuehekk...wueeeeekkkkkkkkkkk.....muntah bgt..bgt!!!
gue hampir gak percaya make kata2 dangdut gituan...untung aja itu hanya gue ketik di sms ato di ym, kl secara langsung bakal terjadi gak yah?? wakakakakakaka

hanya kerakkerak neraka sejatilah yang tau jawabannya huahahahahahha

Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

'Bad' Sigli

Bad Sigli (read: Bad-Germany)

yesterday afternoon, sleepy n bored..

(me n boss-Peters in the room with the same mood)
Peters: what do u like bad-sigli or medan?
me: umm..suddenly i heard a voice from me answered: i prefer bad-sigli (oh..unbelievable)

Peters: why?
me: i dont like medan cos the air so polluted

Peters: yup, i think so, i know u there cant cycling, no river, no beaches, no boat for fishing, and also no space for walking in medan...oh..thats so bad there for u..
me: oh...how could u know that? its completely true.. (oh so lovely..)

Bad-Sigli Office weekend party with e boss

yup yup..like that, me and the boss, i always say he is a super, old already so he act as a grandpa, at the work time we always share chocolate, crackers, n sweet hihii...

so..after work, i went to the beach as usual by my bike n there meet Michelle and Angel

Angel and Michelle

Senin, 16 Juni 2008


Kisah dibawah ini terlarang buat:
1. kekasih ku yg jauh disana- sg (hahahahaha)
2. si pembuat onar yang menyebalkan-gendut

ke Medan dalam rangka ngumpul ala kongsuners..sayangnya kami gak ambil foto disana saat para kongsuners ngumpul tidak di kota terkutuk oops di sungai..hehe (peace sigli)

nah dalam acara ngumpul-ngumpul and shopping para kongsuners yang norak ini gak abis-abisnya meleleh karena menikmati pemandangan wanita dengan baju2 minim, rok mini, n pelacur jalanan yg menanti untuk dijamah-jamah huahahahahaha (waduhh!!)

dalam acara shopping gue sempet dapet 1 bag gede buat jj, yang kelak akan di dapat diisi dengan byk hal, misalnya: kondom 1pak muat, cambuk, vibrator, terong dll smua muat dh huahahaha

tapi inti dari kisah ini adalah, ntah gimana proses nya, sempet juga dating dengan seseorang dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, waktu yg berhasil di curi secara semena-mena dari.. hihi (kisah yg ditunggu-tunggu abet)
well kita dinner di cafe dengan steak but no wine dan memulai dengan pembicaraan yang canggung, ini date pertama setelah sekian lama (gue lupa kapan terakhir itu). ini peran pertama gue sebagai...jd gue bingung ntah gimana memulainya (aneh! terkutuk)

someone: blablabla..gue suka ama lu..(hanya itu yg ku inget)
gue: (blushing) nyengir tak berdaya...

ah sepertinya sepanjang dinner gue gak inget apa yg diucapkan, gue mmg mengalami short term memory yang akut tp kali itu bukan krn masalah otak gue tp karena reaksi grogi yang bercampur dengan malu-malu (ya ampun!!) - sobat2 bakal membunuh ku krn pernyataan ini!

ketika nyampe rumah...

gue: ok..ehm...thanks yah hati-hati n bye..(dgn intonasi aneh n ritme yg dipercepat)
someone: huh...lu gak akan kiss gue...?
gue: (BLUSHING...BLUSHING..) gawat, muka ku makin panas krn malu nya gak ketolong, ampun dh!!!! (plakz..nana! gue kan sharusnya dewasa n gak malu-maluin)
**lalu.......terjadilah luncuran kiss secara sukses..! fiuh...

tapi gue tau penonton pasti sangat kecewa krn kejadian nya tidak seperti yang diharapkan..
masa sich kejadian nya hanya itu..**walah!!!

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Banda Aceh

I went to Banda yest to visit our security in hospital..
to pick up e boss from airport, cos in the village doesn't have airport, we all should travel around 2hours to Banda, that will pass the jungle, monkeys spot, elephants, rice field, banana planty and so much more for getting town.. *sigh!
lucky used good car, if not then vomit all the way..but i m getting used to travel like that every week.
or i spent my weekend in banda when willy around..(he is now in jakarta) n also cun n lifa

cun,willy,lifa n me

1hour in hospital then back to our regional office in Banda n have lunch with trini in A&W and e boss, dearest boss called that he was missed the flight, he was late, n maybe wil have another flight tomorrow morning, Sigh!!!!
another minutes he called again n said he wil get the flight at 4, then ok, mean we will back together n driver no need to come back tomorrow to pick him.

in the meantime after lunch i went to salon huahahahaha cos e stylist in banda for few days.
now i had new hair cut huhuhu...

back to office from salon, checked email, chitchat with trini and msn with abet.

abet: r u in sigli now (village)
melz_na: no, i m stil in banda office waiting for my boss

abet: wad r u doing in banda?
melz_na: visit our security in hospital, he is sick n already 1 week in hospital

abet: r u going alone to hospital?
melz_na: no, with another 2 colleagues

abet: huh?? u travel that far only to visit the SECURITY? security..!
melz_na: yup, why not, he is a man..

abet: well, i m not said he is a ghost, but he is..."security, wad his ill anyway...
melz_na: problem with his side (interior cavity)

abet: huh??? so u go to banda to visit security n he juz get problem with his side..omg!!
melz_na: hey..why u like that?! he is our colleagues either, n he is my fren. do u know, last year our finance officer husband died bcoz of this ill (chronic)

abet: omg, i cant believe that.
melz_na: com'on we should care to each other wadever he is..

yup yup..so, like that how diff people in big city n the down town people..

Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

Happy Sunday..(Bak chang festive)

woah... who's the strongest race the river...
yay..i tried to cross n i missed my sandal! crap!!
Yuhuu...hold on...

Picnic together (kongsuners)

syl..i take e dispenser..

wow...the water raced along gud 4 rafting

I love kiddies

White devils exist

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008

Edy b'dy

Mimin happy B'dy
The cake bought from Banda Aceh

Kongsuners forever..
I travel to Banda Aceh with Akew for the cake..(Min u should kiss me, i've travel so far only for u) hahahahaha......

the BBQ prepared by "Mamak ABG" (e best bbq taste..) hihihi...

Gajah (e biggets brother) doing on fire..huhuu....

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

Int'l Environmental Day

I dedicate this post for : Eka (in Bogor)
we missing u eka, now we dont have anybody who will edit n design our pictures.. me n wawan was trying hard to made it look nice..

First Exhibition in Sigli for our project.
3 days preparing pictures and banner, 1 day travel to Banda Aceh for printing, 1 day for make up our tent. exhausted!!!

Special thanks for: wawan (engineer) our pioneer for this event..
thanks to: Trini & Fahmi (in Banda Aceh), we r weak without u guys..
thanks to: Vera, your printer was very helpful dear..
and also all of the crew (welthungerhilfe Sigli) thank you..

Selasa, 03 Juni 2008

Cape dee!!

o ow.. today damn tired!

i run away from the bloody witch, but moses (co-worker) should stay for doing..i dunno to help that bloody witch huhuhu...

then the good new to know is mimin treat us dinner hahahaha...

mimin = edy the boss tonite (black t-shirt)

lokew the greeny t-shirt

ely=mexxes crap!!

everyday i spend the rest of the day with these crap n nonsense people..omg!!!

but they r fun!!

mimin the only one promise to himself not to talk cibaiii again in every sentence he shout out..
crap!! only idiot wil trust u!! hahahahha

the master of gambler is.....(me) hahahahaha
everyday play card n they wil hate me much cos i always smack them by my lucky card huhuhu..

Senin, 02 Juni 2008


I Belong to "Kongsuners.."

Kongsuners is our group name as e buddies that live in riverside (sigli)

we all on top Gundaling highland..(north sumatera)

we played football at the backyard..n wth..we all wash our foot not in the bath room.. huhuhu...

Gambling is our soul hahahaha...

if the buddies complete then all they do is gambling..!! wth...

everyday i spend my day with them..
they r simple people in town (cheers for 2years with me)
I m their leader.. the leader should b more wild than them, if not they wil eat u hahahaha..

we like spend our weekend in this river hahaha

all we do in this town nature activities

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

my weekend

wadoh...weekend ku kali ini, sabtu gue seperti jam terbang biasa, bangun jam 7.30 pagi n brangkat ke Banda, urusan kerja. anterin bahan print untuk buat banner.
tapi kita ngumpul bareng famcek, n trincek di kantor banda...huhuhu...

ini adalah salah satu pic yg berhasil diambil secara sukses...(oleh trincek) hahahaha n yg bareng trincek nya malah gak bagus blur gt hasil nya..

(maap yah trincek) tak bs di post disini...

si dia adalah Famcek (kita smua kluarga 'cek') huhu...

pose with famcek (office IT)


Here is the pic that i took yesterday..

Air bah ini (air bah gak namanya) hehe berasal dari Gunung, nah kalo hujan lebat di gunung maka air itu akan turun ke sungai ini dan menyebabkan banjir disebagian rumah penduduk yang letaknya lebih rendah...

tempat tinggal ku adalah disisi kiri gambar ini (gak kliatan sich) hehe